Kitty Bank


There have been no successful raiders yet

- What?
- The Lore
Step 1: Qualify for the current round
Free The Nip consists of games, and within each game are a maximum of 30 rounds.
To take part, you must buy enough $WHSKR to qualify for the current round and join "The Clowder" - you can see the amount required the qualify in each round on the dashboard or via the group Telegram bot. All $WHSKR buys have a 4% tax which funds the "War Chest", which ultimatley constitutes the reward for the winner of each game.
Step 2: Hold!
You must now hold at least that minimum amount of $WHSKR until the round ends. If you sell or transfer any away, this will be deducted from your qualifying balance. You do not need to do anything else to partake in the round other than buy and hold the specified amount of $WHSKR for that round. Beware! All $WHSKR sells and transfers are taxed at 8%, half of which goes to the War Chest and half of which is burnt.
Step 3: Try To Free The Nip
Each round lasts a minimum of 4 hours, the progress of which is shown via a timer on the dashboard. After the timer counts down to zero, any qualifying member of The Clowder in the current round can press the button on the dashbaord to initiate the attempt to "Free The Nip". This will immediatley convert of all the $WHSKR in the Kitty Bank to ETH and trigger a 100% non-deterministic on-chain quantum random number oracle (via API3) to check for a successful participant. The starting odds in round 1 of finding one are 30:1.
Step 4a: There Was No Winner, The Nip Is Not Free!
If no winner was found, all the ETH in theKitty Bank rolls over to the next round, the countdown resets, the minimum $WHSKR buy requirement increases a touch, the odds of finding a winner in the round increase, and a new Clowder must be formed. We loop back to step 1 and repeat the process of forming The Clowder, attempting to free The Nip and rolling over the Kitty Bank until a participant is successful. Because with each rollover the odds of a participant being successful increase, a maximum of 30 rounds within a game is possible before the odds become 1:1 (100%), and someone must be awarded the Kitty Bank.
Step 4b: Success, The Nip Is Free!
If a member of The Clowder is successful, they are immediatley awarded 80% of the War Chest, which is sent directly to their wallet. Of the remaining 20%, half stays in the Kitty Bank to seed the next game and 10% goes to the dev fund. Following this, everything resets, a new game begins again at round 1 and the cycle repeats.